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May 202412 min read

Sales Leaders: How to Choose the Right Mobile Sales Tool for Your Team

Sales Leaders: How to Choose the Right Mobile Sales Tool for Your Team

Mobile sales tools have become an essential extension for today's sales professionals. They eliminate distractions by keeping everything reps need readily available, ditching the need to switch between apps for product info, frantically recall pitch details during calls, or wrestle with cumbersome sales collateral.

This newfound focus empowers reps to build strong rapport and deliver winning presentations. Beyond providing relevant information and facilitating engaging pitches, these tools offer valuable insights by helping sellers decipher buyer signals from content interactions.

But with a vast array of options available, choosing the right one is critical.

This guide will simplify your search by highlighting the essential elements to consider when selecting a mobile sales enablement app that supercharges your sales team.

What you'll find in this blog:


Mobile Sales Tool: What It Solves For Your Sellers

Sales enablement is all about equipping your team for success. But traditional methods can be inefficient, leading to wasted time and missed opportunities.

A mobile sales tool is a bridge to that gap, smoothing out processes and equipping your team with the resources they need to deliver results.

Let’s look into into the common challenges salespeople face without a mobile sales tool: 

Inefficient Content Management

Sales reps waste valuable time hunting for the right product information, documents, or sales materials in a disorganized system. This inefficiency not only reduces their selling time but also increases the risk of presenting outdated or inaccurate information to prospects.

Brand Inconsistency and Confusion

Lack of a central information hub can lead to sellers relying on outdated or scattered resources. This creates inconsistencies in messaging and branding across presentations and interactions. 

Limited Personalization

Without easy access to customer data and preferences, salespeople struggle to personalize their interactions with prospects. This one-size-fits-all approach fails to resonate with individual needs and interests, leading to lower engagement and ultimately, fewer conversions.

Mobile sales tools allow reps to tailor pitches on the fly, addressing specific pain points and demonstrating a deeper understanding of the customer's situation.

Slow Onboarding and Reduced Productivity

Traditional onboarding processes often rely on scattered resources and lack the accessibility of mobile tools. This can lead to a slow learning curve for new reps, hindering their ability to reach peak productivity quickly.

Mobile sales tools provide a centralized location for training materials, making them readily available for new hires and facilitating a smoother onboarding process. This translates into reps contributing to sales goals faster.

Misalignment Between Sales and Marketing

Disorganized content management systems and lack of real-time data sharing create a disconnect between sales and marketing teams. Mobile sales tools bridge this gap by providing a central repository for all approved content, accessible to both sales and marketing.

Real-time data insights also allow sales reps to tailor their pitches based on content performance, maximizing the impact of both teams' efforts.

Stalled Sales Cycles

Inefficiencies in accessing the right sales materials at the crucial moment can significantly slow down the sales cycle. Reps waste time searching for information, leading to delays in sending quotes, proposals, or other essential content.

This frustration can also impact prospect engagement, further extending the sales cycle and hindering overall sales performance. Mobile sales tools simplifies this process by putting everything reps need at their fingertips, allowing them to close deals faster.

Limited Mobility and Missed Opportunities

Modern salespeople are constantly on the go. Without mobile access to sales resources, they risk missing out on crucial opportunities, whether virtual or face to face.

Traditional methods often rely on bulky materials or require internet connectivity, hindering their ability to access necessary information at the right time.

Mobile sales tools empower reps with on-the-go accessibility, allowing them to present, share, and work with sales materials from any device, even offline. This ensures they're always prepared to seize the moment and convert leads, regardless of location or internet connection.

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8 Common Features to Look For in a Mobile Sales Tool

Now that we've explored the challenges faced by salespeople without the right tool, it's clear a solution is needed. The good news is, mobile sales tools offer a range of powerful features designed to address these very issues.

In this section, we'll delve into the most common features to look for in a mobile sales tool:

1. Mobile Content Management

Effective sales content management is the foundation of any mobile sales tool. Look for a platform that empowers your team to find the right resources quickly and easily.

Consider one that allows for effortless organizing. Content should be easy to categorize using folders and tags. Think regions, products, buyer personas, or sales stages – a system that aligns seamlessly with your sales process.

2. Effortless Access to Up-to-Date Content

Finding the right content on the fly is crucial. According to G2, sales representatives spend an average of 440 hours each year searching for content.

The mobile tool should allow for intuitive searches using keywords or tags, ensuring reps can locate the perfect piece in seconds.

In addition, the mobile sales tool should not only be accessible on any device, but offer seamless synchronization across all devices, ensuring your team always has access to the latest, most accurate content, regardless of location.

Combining all of these nurtures trust and consistency. Look for a platform that acts as a single source of truth for your sales content. This eliminates the risk of outdated materials lingering on personal devices and ensures reps are always presenting the most up-to-date information.

3. Content Personalization on the Go

The key to addressing customer pain points lies in crafting presentations that resonate with each prospect.  A powerful mobile sales tool empowers your reps to personalize content and tailor their pitches for maximum impact.

It should allow sellers to easily pick and choose the most relevant content from a centralized library, building a customized presentation that speaks directly to the prospect's needs.

For even quick and easy adoption, consider a mobile sales tool that integrates seamlessly with the existing presentation tool. This allows reps to leverage their preferred editing software for minor tweaks, ensuring a smooth workflow and maximizing their productivity.

4. Create and Deliver Winning Presentations On-the-Go

The best mobile sales tools become an extension of your brand during presentations. Look for an app that allows reps to present directly from their device, ensuring a seamless experience for both them and the prospect.

These tools should be packed with features to keep audiences engaged. Interactive functionalities like draw, zoom, and annotation capabilities empower reps to personalize the experience and highlight key points.

Remember to select one that supports PDFs, videos, and even 3D renderings, allowing reps to create dynamic and impactful presentations on the fly.

5. Secure Content Sharing

Move beyond clunky email attachments and file size limitations. Look for a mobile sales tool that offers secure content sharing via a single link, like a Digital Sales Room (DSR).

This link leads to a branded where prospects can access all relevant materials with ease, eliminating the need for additional software downloads. These platforms also offer robust security features to empower your sales team.

Control access with custom PIN codes, set expiration dates for important documents, and restrict certain files to "view only" mode.  You can also define download permissions and require email addresses for access, ensuring complete control over your sales content.

6. Analytics for Informed Decisions

Mobile sales tools empower you to go beyond simply delivering presentations. Look for a platform with built-in analytics that provide valuable insights into both seller activity and buyer engagement.

  • Seller Activity: Gain valuable insights into how your sales team utilizes content. Analyze which materials are most popular, how often they are used, and even identify potential knowledge gaps. This data empowers marketing teams to refine content and ensure reps have the resources they need to succeed.
  • Buyer Engagement: Track how prospects interact with shared content. See which materials they view, how long they spend engaged, and whether they revisit specific resources. This allows your sales team to gauge interest levels, identify potential decision-makers, and tailor follow-up strategies for maximum impact.

7. Seamless Integrations

A mobile sales tool shouldn't exist in a silo! Make sure that the tool you're selecting integrates effortlessly with your existing sales ecosystem.

This includes seamless connections to your email services, Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems, and content management tools like SharePoint and Google Workspace. Additionally, consider integrations with user management and Single Sign-On (SSO) tools for a streamlined login experience.

By prioritizing seamless integrations, you empower your sales team to work smarter, not harder. They'll have all the tools and resources they need at their fingertips, eliminating the need to switch between multiple platforms and maximizing their productivity.

8. Offline Functionality for Uninterrupted Sales

Unreliable internet connections can disrupt your sales team's momentum. Equip them with a mobile sales tool that empowers offline access to essential sales materials, such as product brochures, presentations, and pricing information.

This ensures your team can stay productive and close deals, even in remote locations or during travel. By prioritizing a mobile sales tool with robust offline functionality, you ensure your reps are always prepared to engage with a customer when the opportunity arises, maximizing sales success in any situation.


Choosing the Perfect Mobile Sales Tool: Other Key Factors To Consider

With a vast array of mobile sales tools available, prioritizing your team's and business's specific needs is paramount.  While features are important, consider these additional factors to create a comprehensive evaluation checklist:

Transparent Pricing: Avoid Feature Overload

Don't get bogged down by feature overload! Focus on mobile sales tools that offer clear and transparent pricing structures. Building trust with the vendor starts with knowing exactly what you're paying for.

Carefully assess each subscription tier,  identifying the features included and the number of users supported. This empowers you to conduct cost-benefit analyses and compare solutions effectively, ensuring you select a mobile sales tool that aligns with your budget and specific needs.

Security and Compliance: Protecting Your Data

Sales often involve sensitive information. Therefore, choosing a mobile sales tool provider with robust security measures is crucial.  Prioritize vendors that offer secure data storage and compliance with relevant regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

For an extra layer of protection, look for tools that support multi-factor authentication (MFA) and single sign-on (SSO). These features add an extra hurdle for unauthorized access, safeguarding your valuable customer data.

By keeping these additional considerations in mind, you'll be well-equipped to choose the mobile sales tool that empowers your team for success.

Effortless User Experience

Choose a mobile sales tool that prioritizes ease of use.  An intuitive and user-friendly interface empowers your reps to leverage the tool's full potential quickly, minimizing the learning curve and maximizing selling time.

Ease of use also translates to scalability.  When onboarding new team members, a user-friendly platform simplifies the process, ensuring everyone is up to speed and contributing quickly.

Seamless Onboarding and Ongoing Support

A successful mobile sales tool implementation hinges not just on the features themselves, but also on the onboarding and support offered by the vendor.  A comprehensive onboarding program ensures effective adoption and sets the stage for long-term success.

Look for vendors that prioritize user experience and demonstrate their commitment to your success through high-quality training resources. Live sessions, self-guided materials, and ongoing support are all indicators of a vendor that understands the importance of user adoption and will be there to assist you as your business grows and adapts to future updates.

Prioritize Support and Success

Reliable support is the backbone of any successful tool implementation. Look for a vendor that prioritizes customer success, offering robust support options to minimize downtime and keep your sales engine running smoothly.

Imagine how quickly your reps can resolve technical issues and get back to closing deals with prompt and efficient support.  A vendor dedicated to customer success goes beyond troubleshooting. They become a partner, understanding your goals and offering valuable insights on best practices to maximize the platform's benefits for your entire business.

Global Teams, Seamless Experience: Multi-Language Support

To ensure everyone in your global sales network can leverage the full potential of your mobile sales tool, prioritize multi-language support. This empowers reps to navigate the platform comfortably in their preferred language, significantly reducing the learning curve and boosting overall user satisfaction.

With features and functionalities readily available in their native language, reps can quickly grasp the tool's capabilities and confidently utilize them during sales interactions.  This fosters a more inclusive and productive sales environment, regardless of location or language barriers.

Why Choose Showell As Your Mobile Sales Tool

Showell is a top-rated mobile sales tool designed to simplify your sales process and empower your team for success. Our platform offers everything you need at a competitive price, with plans starting at just $0 per month per user.

This scalable solution caters to businesses of all sizes, from growing startups to established enterprises.

Say goodbye to scattered content and wasted time. Showell centralizes sales content management and distribution, fostering seamless collaboration between sales and marketing teams around the world. Easily find what you need with the tool’s easy and smart search function. Additionally, our platform offers complete brand customization, ensuring your messaging remains consistent across all interactions.

Reps can access Showell anytime, anywhere. Mobile sales platform works flawlessly across devices, with a web app and native app options that even function offline. This ensures your team is always prepared to deliver winning presentations and close deals, regardless of location or internet connectivity.

Showell integrates seamlessly with your existing sales and marketing tech stack, eliminating the need for disruptive workflow changes. Connect effortlessly with popular tools like Google Workspace, SharePoint/Teams, and Dropbox, maximizing efficiency and boosting team productivity.

Showell is the modern sales enablement platform you've been searching for. Our intuitive interface is easy to learn and use, empowering your reps to leverage the tool's full potential quickly.

Experience the Showell difference today! Book a demo with our sales enablement experts or get Showell Free and see how it can transform your sales team.

Learn more about Sales Enablement: 

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