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Sep 202412 min read

The Power of Effective Sales Onboarding and Training

The Power of Effective Sales Onboarding and Training

Did you know that, according to Gartner, sellers tend to forget 70% of the information they learn within a week of training, with 87% of it slipping from memory within a month? This statistic underscores the critical need for an effective sales onboarding and training program that promotes long-term retention and application of acquired knowledge.

The success of your sales team hinges on their ability to effectively engage with buyers and close deals. Which is why well-structured sales onboarding and training program is essential to equip them with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to excel in their roles.

In this blog post, we will explore the critical benefits of effective sales onboarding and training. By the end of this post, you will have a clear understanding of how to build a powerful sales onboarding and training program that drives your team's success.

What you'll find in this blog:

  • Sales Onboarding and Training in B2B Sales

  • 6 Benefits of an Effective Sales Onboarding and Training Program

  • How To Ensure A Successful Onboarding and Training


Sales Onboarding and Training in B2B Sales

In B2B sales, onboarding and training transcend simple orientation. B2B sales present unique challenges: longer sales cycles involving multiple stakeholders, technically complex products requiring in-depth knowledge, and the need for relationship-based selling strategies.

These complexities demand that sales representatives navigate intricate decision-making processes, articulate sophisticated value propositions, and build long-term client relationships, all while maintaining a deep understanding of industry-specific trends and challenges.

These complexities demand that sales representatives navigate intricate decision-making processes, articulate sophisticated value propositions, and build long-term client relationships, all while maintaining a deep understanding of industry-specific trends and challenges.

To address these challenges, effective B2B sales onboarding and training programs cover a wide range of critical areas. By providing this solid foundation, organizations ensure their new sales team members are well-prepared to represent the company, deliver value to potential clients from day one, and contribute to key business objectives such as decreased time to productivity, increased sales performance, and higher employee satisfaction.

Sales training and onboarding materials

6 Benefits of an Effective Sales Onboarding and Training Program

A well-crafted sales onboarding and training program can be the catalyst that transforms promising recruits into revenue-generating powerhouses, even the most talented sales professionals need proper guidance and support to reach their full potential within a new company.

This is where effective sales onboarding and training programs play a crucial role. A well-designed onboarding process have impactful benefits that can transform new hires into top performers, accelerating their path to productivity and setting them up for long-term success. 

Decrease Time To Productivity And Turnover Rates

One of the most significant advantages of a robust onboarding and training program is the reduction in time-to-productivity for new hires. According to research by Gartner, it typically takes over six months for a new salesperson to reach full productivity. However, with effective onboarding, this timeline can be significantly shortened, allowing new team members to start contributing to revenue goals more quickly.

Moreover, a comprehensive onboarding process can help reduce turnover rates. Sales roles often have high turnover, but when new hires feel supported and well-equipped to succeed, they're more likely to stay with the company long-term.

Increased Sales Performance

Properly trained sales professionals are better positioned to achieve and exceed their targets. They have a deeper understanding of the product or service they're selling, are more adept at identifying and addressing customer pain points, and can more effectively navigate the sales process. This leads to higher win rates, larger deal sizes, and increased overall revenue for the organization.

Consistent Customer Experience

When all sales team members receive standardized training, it ensures a consistent approach to customer interactions. This uniformity in messaging, product knowledge, and sales techniques creates a cohesive brand experience for potential clients, regardless of which sales representative they interact with. Consistency builds trust and enhances the company's professional image in the marketplace.

Reduced Mistakes Through Feedback Loops

Effective onboarding and training programs often incorporate regular feedback mechanisms. These allow new hires to receive constructive criticism and guidance, helping them identify areas for improvement early in their tenure. By addressing potential issues proactively, organizations can minimize costly mistakes and ensure that best practices are followed consistently across the sales team.

Fewer Employee Turnover

A well-structured onboarding and training program demonstrates an organization's commitment to employee success. When new hires feel supported and see a clear path for growth within the company, they're less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere. This reduction in turnover not only saves on recruitment and training costs but also helps maintain team morale and preserve institutional knowledge.

Higher Employee Satisfaction and Engagement

Sales professionals who receive comprehensive onboarding and ongoing training tend to feel more confident in their roles and more connected to the organization. This increased job satisfaction leads to higher levels of engagement, which in turn drives better performance and contributes to a positive company culture. Engaged employees are also more likely to become brand ambassadors, potentially aiding in future recruitment efforts.

Training and Onboarding with Showell App

How To Ensure A Successful Onboarding and Training

To maximize the benefits of your sales onboarding and training program, consider the following best practices:

To maximize the benefits of your sales onboarding and training program, consider implementing the following best practices:

1. Create a structured, comprehensive plan with clear milestones and objectives

A structured onboarding plan is crucial for several reasons. It provides clarity and direction for new hires, reduces anxiety, and ensures consistent training across all team members. Moreover, it allows organizations to set clear expectations and measure progress effectively.

Develop a detailed onboarding roadmap that outlines specific goals and milestones for the first 30, 60, and 90 days. This plan should include:

  • Key learning objectives for each phase
  • Scheduled check-ins with managers or mentors
  • Specific tasks or projects to complete
  • Performance expectations at each stage


👍 For example: By day 30, new hires should be able to articulate the company's value proposition and complete a mock sales call. By day 60, they should have shadowed three client meetings and conducted one supervised client call. By day 90, they should have closed their first deal independently.

🔥 Tip: Use a digital onboarding platform to track progress and ensure all new hires are moving through the program consistently.


2. Utilize a mix of learning methods, including classroom training, e-learning, and hands-on experience

Employing diverse learning methods is essential because it caters to different learning styles and reinforces knowledge through varied approaches. This multi-faceted approach enhances retention and engagement, making the onboarding process more effective overall. Accommodate different learning styles and reinforce knowledge through:

  • Classroom training: Ideal for foundational knowledge and group discussions. It allows for immediate Q&A and fosters team building among new hires.
  • E-learning modules: Perfect for self-paced learning of product details and industry knowledge.
  • This method offers flexibility and allows learners to revisit content as needed.
  • Hands-on experience: Critical for practical application of skills. It bridges the gap between theory and practice, building confidence in new hires.


👍 Create a blended learning program where new hires spend mornings in classroom sessions, afternoons completing e-learning modules, and Fridays shadowing experienced sales reps. This balanced approach ensures that theoretical knowledge is immediately reinforced with practical application.

🔥 Tip: Use microlearning techniques, such as short video tutorials or interactive quizzes, to make e-learning more engaging and easier to digest. This approach aligns with modern attention spans and allows for learning in short, focused bursts.


3. Assign mentors or buddies to provide ongoing support and guidance

Mentorship programs are invaluable in sales onboarding. They provide personalized support, help navigate company culture, and offer real-world insights that might not be covered in formal training sessions. Mentors can also serve as role models, demonstrating successful behaviors and attitudes.

Pair new hires with experienced team members who can offer personalized support:

  • Choose mentors who exemplify company values and have a track record of success: This ensures that new hires are learning from the best and absorbing positive company culture.
  • Set clear expectations for the mentor-mentee relationship: Define the frequency of meetings, topics to cover, and goals of the mentorship to ensure its effectiveness.
  • Schedule regular check-ins between mentors and mentees: Consistent communication helps build the relationship and provides opportunities for ongoing learning and support.

Implement a "buddy system" where each new hire is paired with a top performer for their first three months. The buddy helps navigate company culture, answers day-to-day questions, and provides informal feedback. This system can significantly reduce the time it takes for a new hire to become fully productive.


🔥 Tip: Offer training for mentors to ensure they're equipped to guide new hires effectively. This could include coaching skills, active listening techniques, and best practices for providing constructive feedback.


4. Regularly solicit feedback from new hires and adjust the program accordingly

Continuous improvement is key to maintaining an effective onboarding program. By actively seeking and acting on feedback, you can identify gaps in the program, address pain points, and enhance the overall experience for future hires. This approach also demonstrates to new employees that their input is valued, fostering engagement and loyalty from the start.

Create a feedback loop to continually improve the onboarding process:

  • Conduct surveys at key milestones (30, 60, 90 days): These structured check-ins provide quantitative data on the effectiveness of different aspects of the onboarding program. They can help track progress over time and identify trends.
  • Hold focus groups with recent hires to gather qualitative insights: Group discussions can uncover nuanced feedback that might not be captured in surveys. They also allow for brainstorming and collaborative problem-solving.
  • Use analytics from your onboarding platform to identify areas of improvement: Data-driven insights can reveal bottlenecks, highlight popular resources, and show where new hires might be struggling.


🔥 Tip: Act quickly on feedback to show new hires that their input is valued and to improve the experience for future cohorts. Quick wins can boost morale and demonstrate the company's commitment to employee success.


5. Incorporate role-playing and real-world scenarios to build practical skills

Theoretical knowledge is important, but practical application is where true learning occurs in sales. Role-playing and scenario-based training bridge the gap between theory and practice, allowing new hires to develop confidence and refine their skills in a low-stakes environment.
Provide opportunities for new hires to practice in a safe environment:

  • Conduct mock sales calls and meetings: These simulations allow new hires to practice their pitch, handle objections, and refine their communication skills. They also provide opportunities for immediate feedback and coaching.
  • Present case studies of challenging customer situations: Analyzing real-world scenarios helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It also exposes new hires to a variety of situations they might encounter in their role.
  • Use sales simulation software for realistic practice: Technology can provide immersive, interactive experiences that closely mimic real sales situations. These tools often offer detailed analytics and feedback to help new hires improve.


🔥 Tip: Record role-playing sessions so new hires can review their performance and track improvement over time. Self-reflection is a powerful tool for growth and can help new hires identify areas for improvement on their own.


6. Provide access to necessary tools and resources from day one

Starting a new job can be overwhelming, and not having the right tools or information can significantly hinder a new hire's progress and confidence. By ensuring all necessary resources are readily available, you set new hires up for success and demonstrate organizational efficiency.

Ensure new hires have everything they need to hit the ground running:

  • Set up all required accounts and permissions before their first day: This shows preparedness and respect for the new hire's time. It also allows them to start learning and contributing immediately.
  • Create a centralized repository of sales materials, product information, and best practices: A well-organized knowledge base serves as a constant reference point for new hires. It empowers them to find answers independently and reduces the need for constant questions.
  • Provide a "tech stack cheat sheet" explaining how to use each tool in the sales process: This quick reference guide can help new hires navigate the various technologies they'll be using, reducing frustration and improving efficiency.


👍 Develop a comprehensive "Sales Playbook" that includes scripts, email templates, objection handling guides, and product comparison charts. This resource serves as a go-to guide for new hires, providing them with proven strategies and messaging to use in their sales interactions.

🔥 Tip: Use a digital asset management system to keep all resources up-to-date and easily accessible. This ensures that new hires always have the latest information at their fingertips and can quickly find what they need.


7. Foster a culture of continuous learning and development beyond the initial onboarding period

Consider including an continuous learning session to supplement your onboarding and training program. Learning never stops, and ongoing training can further improve your sales team's performance.

For example, you can implement a quarterly "Sales Summit" where team members share best practices, discuss industry trends, and learn from guest speakers. Here are other ways you can encourage ongoing growth and skill development through:

  • Offer regular training sessions on new products, industry trends, or advanced sales techniques
  • Provide access to online learning platforms or industry certifications
  • Recognize and reward continuous learning efforts


🔥 Tip: Create individual development plans with each sales rep, outlining their career goals and the skills they need to acquire to achieve them.


By implementing these best practices, you can create a robust sales onboarding and training program that not only accelerates the productivity of new hires but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and excellence across your entire sales organization.


Effective sales onboarding and training are invaluable investments not only in your team but in your organization's future success. It can provide a significant edge, allowing your team to consistently outperform the competition and drive sustainable growth for your business.

Remember, the journey from new hire to top performer is not a sprint but a marathon. Provide the right support and resources from the start, and you set your sales team members on a path to long-term success, benefiting both the individual and the organization as a whole.

Sales enablement tools like Showell enable for effortless and on-the-go access to learning materials, making training and onboarding convenient. Content can easily be organized to fit a guided selling approach, better guiding your sellers through the purchase decision. Showell can easily be integrated to your existing sales tech stack and workflows for quick ramp up and easy tool adoption. 

Showell is a robust sales enablement tool you can use to deliver an effective sales onboarding and traininf program. Curious to see how it works? Simply book a demo with us, or get Showell Free to see it in action yourself!

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