Vernacare is a global infection prevention company, best known for its macerator and pulp products. Vernacare has revolutionized the experience of patients and healthcare professionals for more than 50 years. It is the world’s biggest producer of single-use toileting products, with a major presence in North America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and the Middle East.
How Showell Transformed Vernacare's Sales Process
Discover how Vernacare boosted its sales and marketing performance with Showell by increasing professionalism and fixing the problem of scattered sales collateral.
Vernacare says that Showell has significantly improved their global sales.
The Problem: Outdated and Hard-to-Find Sales Materials Decrease Sales Team Professionalism and Performance
Before Showell, the problem was that the sales collateral was scattered across different locations like Sharepoint, Google Drive, and people's laptops. This made it difficult to find the right material when needed, and often the versions available were outdated. This lack of organization and outdated materials decreased the sales team's professionalism and performance.
The Solution: Content in One Place Boosts Sales Professionalism, Performance, and Data-Driven Decision Making
Now, with Showell, all the sales materials can be found in one place, it is always up-to-date and easy to find. Showell has brought in a type of professionalism that raises distributors' and sales reps' performance to a new level. On top of that Showell brings in sales content analytics data from the used material and customer meetings. With that data, it is easier to lead and make decisions on how the sales process should be adjusted.
I'd recommend Showell to anyone who has a sales team and wants to be able to send out materials in a professional format and wants to give autonomy to the salespeople in a controlled manner."
Onboarding Showell Was Much Quicker Than Expected
When a company starts to use a new tool, software, or platform it is often expected to be a long and challenging project. That's why Teresa Candau, a product manager from Vernacare initially felt hesitant when she heard that they were starting to use Showell.
Teresa's fears were unfounded, and she was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to onboard Showell. The process took only a few weeks, and the cooperation with the Showell onboarding team was seamless. The Vernacare team also quickly became familiar with the product, proving that Showell is user-friendly and efficient.
I think it's a great platform that has improved interaction between teams a lot
One of the Best Sales Enablement Platforms in the Market
Both Hakeem and Teresa would recommend Showell for teams that operate internationally and need to share information with their own sales reps, distributors, and customers. In their opinion, Showell actually is one of the best platforms they have ever seen.
Empower Salespeople to Show Well and Sell Better
Like Vernacare, improve your sales with the best sales enablement solution for life sciences. Showell helps create synergy between sales and marketing, eliminates scattered content management, and empowers salespeople with instant access to buyer objections.
Book a demo today and move customers through your sales funnel faster or start with Showell Free today.