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Sales Enablement for Marketers

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Centralize sales content management and improve marketing impact by delivering on-brand content, consistent messaging, and effective training materials.

Sales app and sales content

Deliver Engaging, On-Brand Content for Sales Teams

Centralized Sales Collateral icon
Centralized Sales Collateral
Centralize sales content management and allow access by roles or teams.
Branded Sales app icon
Brand Control
Deliver up-to-date, on-brand collateral for sellers and dealers via the Showell sales app.
Content update notifications icon
Content Update Notifications
Easily notify your team when new or updated sales content is available.
Custom presentations and slide designer icon
Content Personalization
Provide templates and tools to customize presentations while preserving brand and message.
Sales training icon
Sales Training
Educate sales teams on effective communication of your brand and product values.
Digital sales rooms icon
Digital Sales Rooms
Create a digital sales room for an impressive product showcase and impact buyer engagement.
smart sales tools icon
Smart Sales Tools
Help sales teams capture and demonstrate instant value through smart sales tools.
Analytics icon
Content Analytics
Understand what content resonates with the buyer and drives revenue growth.

How Sales Content Analytics Helps Create Better Content

Sales content analytics benefit marketing by identifying the most effective content for each stage of the sales process. Learn how to create targeted, relevant, and effective sales materials tailored to specific audiences.

Sales Content Analytics guide

"With Showell we narrow the universe down, focusing on the content you need to take care of your daily work."

Magnus Falk
Marketing Manager, Gaggenau

Gaggenau Sales Enablement Success Story

"One of the Best Platforms I've Seen"

“It took us just a couple of weeks to get our people onboard and content organized. They can now access all relevant information. It’s one of the best platforms that I’ve seen”.

Product Manager
Teresa C.Product Manager, Vernacare

Frequently Asked Questions

Here we have put together some commonly asked questions from marketers, but we would be delighted to schedule a call with you for more detailed answers.

How quickly can I get started using Showell? You can start using Showell immediately however, we recommend that you reserve some time to define the Showell account content structure and implementation plan before you introduce it to your whole team. 

Depending on your team size, allow 2-6 weeks for planning, setup, and onboarding to get the most out of the platform. 

Our customer success team will support you during your implementation and provide the best practices for getting things up and running.
Why Showell is better than our digital asset management (DAM) or cloud storage system?

First, even though Showell has many DAM functionalities, it is not a substitute product for DAM. It's not a matter of one being "better" than the other; instead, they serve different purposes and can complement each other.

Showell is designed to support the team alignment and sales process by providing relevant, up-to-date information, content, and sales tools to sellers. Showell provides a centralized repository of sales-ready materials, role or team-based delivery, flexibility to sellers' tailor presentations while maintaining brand uniformity, analytics, and digital sales rooms for buyer engagement. 

On the other hand, digital asset management (DAM) systems focus on organizing, storing, and retrieving digital files such as images, videos, and documents. 

Typically with our customers, DAM is integrated into Showell, and this way, both platforms go side-by-side. However, it's worth highlighting that you can get started with Showell without needing a separate DAM solution.

Secondly, cloud file storages are just a storage solution for files in the cloud without any of the extensive sales enablement features and functionalities.

How does Showell address the needs of international teams with different languages? For businesses with international teams and diverse languages, Showell is a perfect fit. It provides a user interface in 10 languages, so your team can navigate the platform comfortably.  Additionally, with multi-account support and group-based content access controls, you can manage your sales content globally while ensuring the right information reaches the right people in their preferred language.. 
Moreover, Showell's comprehensive analytics provide valuable insights into sales performance across different regions, making it easy to monitor and optimize dealers' sales efforts by example. 

With its flexible customization and robust multi-language support, Showell is ideally suited for businesses operating in a global, multi-lingual environment.
How can we ensure only authorized users can access, open, show and share content? Showell allows you to control access to content by setting access rights for different groups. You can also set separate files and folder privileges and disable specific files or folder shareability. This means you can determine who can access, open, show and share content, providing a secure and controlled platform for sharing and collaboration.
What file types does Showell support? Showell supports the most common document, presentation, spreadsheet, image, video, illustration, 3D, and AR file formats. 

You can find a complete list of supported file formats here

In addition, Showell also supports HTML5, allowing you to build interactive sales apps directly within the platform.
What are Digital Sales Rooms? A Digital Sales Room is a digital environment where salespeople can share personalized sales materials and interact with potential buyers. It is a secure, branded micro website that facilitates all relevant sales information and resources under one hub.

Here you find: Everything You Need to Know About Digital Sales Rooms.
Does Showell allow us to see which content is being used and by which users? Absolutely! Showell provides insights through its analytics to track the usage of content by your teams or individual sellers. With the Digital Sales Rooms, you can also monitor the engagement of buyers with your content, including who they are and how they interact.

Dive Deeper into Sales Enablement

Why not take a more detailed look into what Showell and the world of sales enablement have to offer. Discover actionable tips and insights below.

"5X Faster Content Management"

“Managing content in Showell is 5X faster than managing content in our previous extranet system. With Showell, we do the same in 15 mins that took us 1 hour earlier."

Marketing Manager
Janika N.Marketing Manager, Stresstech