Easily Manage Spread-Out Sales
When your sales teams are spread across several territories, it can be hard to make sure they all have what they need when they need it.
A gazillion e-mails, outdated files that need to be deleted, printed out copies because of internet issues...
Your brand suffers, your sales suffer, your team suffers.
In this guide, you will learn:
- The value of consistency and content
- The balance between core message and customization
- The value of real time analytics
The Problem
We've seen it: spread out sales networks work great but it's not without caveats. Large distributed networks allows companies to carry their message and products through different territories.
However, it is easy to inadvertently build silos and have inconsistent onboarding that impacts sales performance. When your sales has scattered content and is unaware of what are the latest versions, it is so easy for the to feel unprepared.
Not to mention that pesky, untraceable content you have no clue works or not. How can you better understand your customer and their questions? Ultimately, your network might be stumbling without the right tools to help it better present and engage your customer.
The Solution
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